Who we are and what we are about
The Shoshana Foundation is founded on two essential principles: Chesed (kindness) and Rachamim (Mercy). Our Foundation is focused primarily on assisting single Jewish mothers. We pride ourselves on being 100% volunteer-run, which means all funds collected go directly to our recipients.
We also pride ourselves on being 100% transparent. Click here to see our latest audited financials.
The Shoshana Foundation strives to lighten the burden our mothers face by creating a sense of community amongst our members.
At the same time, we protect the dignity of each single mother throughout all our interactions.
When we help a woman, we do not simply give her a “hand up”, we create an opportunity to assist the entire family. Assisting mothers translates into assisting their children and, hopefully, creating powerful positive change in the lives of all family members. We acknowledge the power and centrality of a mother in her children’s lives. When a woman feels confident, respected, treasured and valued, this has a positive impact on her children.
Most importantly, we help with sensitivity and dignity in all our dealings with recipients. There are no interviews to attend nor are there forms to fill out. We work primarily on a referral bases. We provide financial aid to in the form of discretionary grants. We also run a number of other initiatives, which are listed below.
Reuven Leib Vision Fund
Provides optical consultations and prescription spectacles for recipients and their children.
Raphael Moshe Educational Fund
Sponsors educational opportunities in order to assist recipients in upskilling themselves and broadening their opportunities for earning an income.
Leib Alchonon Youth Education Fund
Provides financial assistance to our recipients’ children to cover University textbook and tuition costs.
Yaakov Benyamin ben Hirsch School Stationery Fund
Assists recipients in covering school stationery costs for their children.
Liora bat Tzvi Fund
Provides clothing vouchers to recipients
Shoshana bat Binyamin Fund
Provides birthday treats for recipients
Benyamin ben Meir Fund
Assists in covering once off medical expenses for recipients
Irit Dena bat Shraga Fund
Assists recipients for meals for Shabbat and when needed
Divorce Support
Stacey Lewis provides divorced or divorcing women with emotional and practical support. She is the author of two books on divorce and is a trained divorce mediator.
Communal get togethers
Childrens entertainment
Budgeting and financial assistance
Assistance with maintenance court applications and procedures
Jewish Women’s Benevolent Society
The JWBS assists the Shoshana Foundation in all our endeavors. This sometimes translates to partnering on a discretionary basis for a particular woman. At all times, the JWBS helps us achieve our vision of making our mothers feel dignified and treasured. This includes providing ad-hoc spoils so our mothers feel like princesses.
For over a century, the Jewish Women’s Benevolent Society has exemplified compassionate and dignified care for elderly and underprivileged members of our community. Providing essential items such as clothing, food, companionship, opportunities for tertiary education and entertainment, this volunteer-driven, non-profit organisation relies entirely on the community’s generosity to cover its operational expenses and support a variety of initiatives. Every initiative undertaken by the JWBS is dedicated to enhancing the lives of the individuals – men, women, and children – it is privileged to assist. Click on the link (www.jwbs.co.za) to learn more about the JWBS.
Shoshana Foundation has partnered with The Ki to provide our recipients with affordable and accessible counselling.
Click on the link (https://www.theki.co.za/) to learn more about The Ki.